Amy asked us to write about a favorite quilt of ours to share. After some deliberation, this was my choice.

I made this wedding bargello quilt for a friend and her husband. The pattern is called " Melinda's Heart" by Heidi K. Farmer.
I chose these rich colors as my friend was keen on primary colors rather than the pink and green combination used in the original pattern. This was not the first bargello quilt that I had made. I really enjoy constructing quilts using this technique. To some, it may look more complicated than it actually is. It does require some careful cutting and pressing but it is not difficult. Someday I want to make this quilt again in pinks and greens. It would be softer and have a different kind of elegance. My friend's birthday is the day after Valentine's day, so this design seemed particularly appropriate.
There are some fabulous bargello books and designers out there - Chris Timmons - an Australian native and Derek C. Lockwood are among my favorites. Marge Edie also has a lovely Bargello book. I have a few patterns collected for my someday quilts. My someday list is getting longer and longer....perhaps you suffer from the same problem of the ever growing list of quilts you want to make...LOL
Do you make a pattern more than once? Do you have a favorite pattern or technique?
I am currently working on a new quilt- a second version of the blue/ brown quilt(see my last post). This weekend is an extra long weekend for me. I plan to get some quilting done as well as getting some school work finished. I want to begin some year end report card writing. June is just around the corner. The cool and rainy weather will be perfect for quilting and writing- unfortunately, not so perfect for our friends who may be wanting to be camping. They are predicting wet snow in the foothills /mountains tomorrow. That could be chilly in a tent!
In Canada, the 24th of May Long Weekend ( also known as the Victoria Day weekend) is traditionally the first camping weekend of the year. As a child, our family would go camping in the foothills of Alberta. One of my first childhood memories is of sleeping in a tent by a river and waking up to snow on the ground outside. Part of that same memory, is eating fresh pineapple for the first time. Some family friends brought a pineapple for us to try. I was probably 5 or 6 at the time. Fresh produce that we now have readily available year round, was not so common place in the early 60's. Strange the things we remember and store as memories from one's childhood.
I hope the weather is not too inclement for everyone to enjoy some time out of doors.
I was very fortunate this week to win a lovely giveaway prize from Susan at Blackberry creek blog. She is having another giveaway this week- a Southern Living Cookbook that you might wish to own. Susan has been busy redoing her house- she is an avid reader and a lovely quilter- Do stop by and visit..Thank you Susan for choosing my name to win your bunny tapestry. It will be treasured..
Enjoy the quilt festival- just click on the link and it will take you to the list of bloggers that are participating in this years festival.
Warmest regards,
That's a beautiful quilt. I've made one bargello quilt, and let's just say I won't be making another one anytime soon. I do love the effects you can get from them though.
I have so often admired the bargello quilts, and one day I'll get around to making one. This one is as beautiful as any I've ever seen.
Absolutely fabulous quilt, Anna...a real beauty!And true evidence of how much you put into your gifts!!!
What a wonderful gift for your friend. I've never tried a bargello quilt before. I love it when quilts look more complicated than they really are. So often that is the case. Have a great day!
wow so pretty!
What a great bargello quilt-I may have to tackle one sometime.
Sandra Starley
Come see my latest challenge quilt & its 1890 cheddar star original
and my 1890 pink blazing star antique
such a clever design~
Oh wow! Just amazing piecing and a wonderful gift.
It does look very complicated but what a beautiful design. I'm sure your friend was thrilled to have it--I would have been. Thanks for sharing your quilt's story :)
Beautiful !
Gorgeous! I've always wanted to make a bargello quilt, but never have. I appreciate your tips on bargello designers. Maybe I'll tackle it one day!
I am speechless! This quilt takes the words right out of my mouth!
It's gorgeous Anna, just gorgeous!
Yes those bargellos quilts are fun to make and yours looks particularly stunning. I have made one years ago and it still hangs in my lounge. I remember really enjoying choosing the fabrics for it. I don't think I do re-use patterns, I probably like the challeng of something new each time.
What an amazing quilt! So beautiful
This is a lovely quilt:)
That is a gorgeous bargello. I may have to add it to my list of designs to try :)
Such an intricate design! So many little pieces - really stunning!
That is a stunning bargello!
I can honestly say that this is the most beautiful Bargello I have ever seen, I am not crazy about them, but this one is something else, and as a wedding quilt it is oh so perfect. Congratulations!
Thank you so much for sharing, Anna!
and yes... I do tend to make more than one version! Most of the times I just cut more blocks and prepare them as 'kits' for myself! :)
Amazing quilt great work.
This is beautiful! I have never made a bargello quilt; maybe one day. If I did, it would be the heart. I love hearts.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment on my quilt.
What a beautiful quilt! I love it!
Beautiful! You say it is easier than it looks? But it looks wonderful!
I love bargello quilts and yours is beautiful!
Lovely quilt! There are too many quilts that I want to make to make the same patterns twice - not that I haven't or wouldn't...
What a magical wedding gift! Hearts. : ) It's absolutely beautiful! I have never made a Bargello quilt, but yours is truly lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Spectacular! I love Bargello quilts but have yet to attempt one.
What a beautiful bargello quilt, I love the colors, they blend so well. Thanks for stopping by.
Your quilt looks mighty impressive.
Your bargello quilt is beautiful, Anna. What a fantastic wedding gift.
Hi Anna, Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my festival quilt. Your entry in the festival is just WOW. I can't even guess how many squares must be in that. A fabulous gift!
This quilt is gorgeous! I love how the different hearts mirror down the quilt. It looks like it was painstaking to arrange those colors and be careful with the piecing. Very impressive! Enjoy your next projects.
Vibrant. Love your design and use of colors. Beautiful.
A beautiful Bargello quilt!
Anna, what a lovely quilt - and how lucky are your friends? I've always admired the bargello quilts, but never had a go at making one myself.
I like that you're adding to your "someday list" - I guess we all have them. Sometimes just the idea of what we may achieve keeps us going on our creative journeys.
Thanks so much for sharing. Regards, Sue
That is amazing! WOW!!!
Wonderful! Bargello quilts are always stunning, but I find yours to be particularly outstanding. I've never seen one that show showed a recognizable shape.
As for liking to do the same pattern more the once, my Blogger's Quilt Fest entry is an original NYB, but I'm currently working on a 2nd. :-)
that quilt is just stunning!! i have never wanted to do a bargello type quilt, but this is greatly tempting me! i collect hearts, so love it for that, but also love the way the color "moves" through that design.
That quilt is very beautiful. What a wonderful gift.
A really beautiful bargello quilt. I love how the edges of the heart weave across the rest of the heart. Truly wonderful.
That is one of the prettiest bargellos I have seen & there are some beauties. I want to make one of Chris Timmons too, I have the pattern.
I do love looking at yur quilts. It's coming in cold here, thoughts of snuggling under that are just dreamy :)
Hi Anna,
That quilt you made for your friend is absolutely beautiful!! You are an amazing artist. I always wished I could quilt but I never had anyone to show me. I finally just taught myself how to knit and crochet, nothing to difficult though.
Thank you for always stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments, it means so much! Stop by on Tuesday and get the details of my giveaway.
Have a great Memorial Day!
I've met Heidi, but never seen a quilt designed by her...She was so nice. That is a wonderful quilt; I'd love to be your friend. She must be as close as a sister to you.
this quilt is beautiful. your friend is one lucky girl to receive this. glad to meet another Albertan quilter. greetings from Calgary
Oh, this is a gorgeous quilt! A beautiful design for a wedding gift :-)
Greetings from Germany,
This quilt is stunning!
It's been a long time since I got to go blogging. That is one beautiful quilt. Thanks for showing it again.
What a stunning quilt. My daughter who is 7 always picks bargellos out of catalogs and magazines and asks me if I can make one for her, but so far I haven't had the courage. The results are so stunning though,I'm sure it is worth the planning and pressing.
Wow Anna! What a beautiful quilt! And what a VERY lucky friend!!!
Hi Anna, Your bargello heart quilt is beautiful!! I wanted to make one years ago and never got around to it. I'm sure your friend cherishes it, what a special gift. Thanks for sharing.
Your bargello heart quilt is beautiful - such rich colors. I do have a couple quilt patterns that I make more than once. I like strip quilts and have made Scrappy Bargello (Quiltville design)a couple of times and Scrappy Trip Around The World (also Quiltville design). I have another strip piece quilt I have done twice.
I agree with you about your quilt list. Mine is also getting longer and longer as I find so many quilts I want to make. The design that tops my list is a Double Wedding Ring quilt. Someday...someday.
Bargello quilts are always so stunning, and yours is no exception! I love the vivid colors in there!
WOW! Beautiful work!!
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