June continues to be a busy time for me but a week from today my school kids will begin summer holidays and the following day, so will I. Two weeks ago we moved back to our individual classrooms after a two month hiatus in the gym while they completely renovated our classrooms. Since our return, we have continued to move things around the classroom, emptied boxes and tried to keep the students engaged in some learning activities.
After hours, I have written reports, filled out forms and sorted things. On occasion, I have worked on my quilting project and made a few bead bracelets. We have visited a conservatory for plants called Muttart's that are located in four glass pyramids.
As you can see in this picture, I have quilted my life is a trip quilt. I need to get it bound and a label placed on it this upcoming weekend.
Here you can see some of the beautiful view from the balcony ( which had some lovely curved spaces in its design too.
There is some cool variations of Bento box patterns and the one on the right was a design like that. I wish our camera could really capture the rich colors of some of these quilts. They were so pretty and the colors quite vibrant.
Some of the ladies in the group decided to have a 9 patch exchange and then created a challenge with it. There were some really interesting ways they used the blocks that they had traded with each other. The photo shows a design variation that was really appealing to me, because of the color gradations and the on point arrangement. It made me want to get out my scrap box and start quilting.
Here is a view from another direction on the balcony. One of my favorite kinds of patterns are quilts that use star fabrics and star blocks. Isn't the funky star quilt fun? I think the star fabrics in some of these quilts are glorious. The quilts on the balcony had been shown in some previous shows and remain stunning. They have the show every two years and I certainly will look forward to seeing their show again. Thank you ladies for a grand afternoon of beautiful quilts that were inspiring to me.
There were a few vendors that had some patterns and fabric for sale. I did a buy one piece of fabric with blue poinsettias on it. It was a great price and how can one resist a piece of fabric with poinsettias!!
When we left the show we journeyed on to my parents in Red Deer where we stayed over night. It was lovely to have dinner with them and then spend some time catching up with one another. I was particularly glad to spend time with my dad to celebrate Father's Day. We went out to breakfast and had some more family time before heading home in the early evening.
My mother and sister found this wonderful quilted heart picture that they gifted to me.
It says:Mothers are like quilts, lives pieced together, stitched with smiles and tears, bound with love and memories that last throughout the years. They thought that I would love it and they were right- I especially like the hand painted matting that was made just for me. A friend of the family's is a marvelous painter and she added the very pretty floral border on it. I still haven't decided where I am going to hang it, but probably it will go up in my sewing area.
I received some very pretty thimbles in the mail this past week from Australia.
Naomi sent me a set of wonderful decorative thimbles (7) that had belonged to her mother. They are all so pretty and I think every quilter's area should have some quilting decorations in them. I plan to display them in my quilt room too. Thank you so much for your generous gift Naomi.
Hope you enjoyed the little quilt tour-
Some areas south of me are struggling with flooding just now. We will hope that the sun comes out soon.
Happy summer to all my northern counterparts. I hope that winter's arrival in the south is not too chilly.
Warmest regards,
WOW! What beautiful quilts! I love that Mother quote :-)
I love the mother quilt verse! What a beautiful work of love, right down to the frame! The trip around the Wetaskiwin Quilt Show was a treat. Loved the peek at the country side. Best of luck and wishes for a great finish of school.
Thank you for taking us to the quilt show with you. I enjoyed all the quilts and don't think I could pick a favourite.
It's a lovely new look Anna! It sounds like you had a wonderful Father's Day weekend -- thanks for taking the time to show us the beautiful quilts!
Thanks for sharing the quilt show pics Anna. Wow, some of those are right up my alley with the gorgeous colours!
Thank you for sharing your quilt show adventures with us. What a lovely setting! The picture/verse is beautiful! Enjoy your time off!
Hi Anna
It looks like it was a really nice little quilt show. Only 20 members in the guild? What an amazing show they put on!!
I am sure you are looking forward to your summer break. I hope you have a great summer!!
Love all the bright quilts.
Lovely...you, the quote, the quilts, how you survive the end of school! You are an amazing woman that's all there is to it!
Hi Anna, Thanks for the tour of the quilt show. I know you must be looking forward to beginning your summer vacation. Enjoy the rest and the time for your projects.
Lovely quilts - isn't it great to have local quilt shows to visit. That view from the balcony is to die for!
Love your quilt...and all the other quils you posted....
So you are the one that got those thimbles, that is just great!! I know you will treasure them.
lovely post, enjoy the holidays.
Beautiful Quilts Anna, I also love the circle quilt in the batiks. I also like your framed Mothers quote.
Oh, gorgeous. And my winter fingers and toes, so chilly here, really appreciated those warm warm quilts!
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