This morning I spent some time outside cleaning out the flower barrels and raking up some of the debris, sticks and such so that the grass can be mowed. One of the bonuses of cleaning up the debris, was finding a bracelet that I had made long ago and thought was long gone. I lost it in January and looked all over the place for it ,before giving it up for lost. Imagine my surprise when I found it this morning, while I was raking up. The backyard has some dandelions blooming that will need to be tended to- we do get rabbits in our neighbourhood, so I am reluctant to treat them with anything but the mower.
Recently I picked up this new book by Jennifer Chiaverini from our local library. I am hoping to get it read before it is due, because it is sure to need to returned at the 3 week deadline. Has anyone read this one? Do you like it as well as her other books? I have enjoyed reading her other books and have read all the Elm Creek stories.
Last weekend was Mother's Day throughout North America. The chocolates were part of my Mother's Day gift, along with this stunning stone bracelet from my beloved. I am a girl who loves rocks/stones and I had wished that I could afford to buy it, after I saw it in a local rock shop. What a lovely surprise when Bruce handed it to me on Mother's Day.
The stones are a gorgeous red/purple/pink color and it is lovely to wear. I am one lucky lady.
In February, I attended a long service awards evening that recognized school board staff. I was given a catalogue of items to choose from - my choice was this clock with a globe that spins at the top of it. My clock arrived this week. I love how it looks with the constellation and earth globes.
A quilting friend sent me this fun photo of a super quilter. I definitely need to be one of those this summer, as I have a number of quilts to get made. I have been trying to get on track with some of the projects but am a little short on energy... This little old lady makes me smile!
One of my summer projects is a wedding signature quilt. Has any of you readers made one? Got any advice about fabric choices? fabric pens? all advice greatly appreciated. I think I may have found a pattern(but I am still open to ideas) I am also looking to find a light colored fabric. Do I use white? other colors? I know that I need to back it with freezer paper so that it makes it easier to write on- I am only going to prepare the blocks rather than putting the whole quilt together before the wedding.
Recently I finished quilting these baby wraps- they just need some binding. I have been trying to get them completed so that I can concentrate on other projects. The binding is sewn together but not pressed.
I bought myself a new 6 and a half inch ruler not long ago- I thought I had at least one of them, with all my pile of rulers- but I could not find it (Does that ever happen to you? LOL) Now I have no more excuses to get these blocks squared so they can be pieced together. It will be a lovely little quilt once I get the tedious but necessary cutting completed. I recently was reading the blogs in blogland during a blog hop and won a very lovely prize from Sharon of Vrooman's quilts. It is a stunning wall hanging that she made a few years ago with beautiful cross stitched swans. Thank you so much Sharon- I will treasure it always..
Do check out her beautiful blog- she has lots of great ideas that she shares with her readers.
This weekend is an extra long weekend - It is Victoria Day here in Canada. It has been a full weekend already- Our god daughter graduated from high school on Thursday. We attended the opening of Body World's at the Telus World of Science. We also had dinner out with dear friends last evening and I went to a wedding ceremony for a friend's daughter this afternoon. I hope to drop in on a friend tomorrow and then go off to see my family.. Sometimes it is hard to fit in quilting time... Life is indeed full - Until next time be well..
I would love to hear any ideas that you might have about making wedding signature quilts. All suggestions gratefully appreciated..
Warmest regards,
Mrs Lincoln's Dressmaker is my favorite of her books.
I've enjoyed looking through your blog. Check out Sunshine PenPals and join the fun!
You may want to chech on Barb's tutorial and pattern for a signature quilt
Funny how living can get in the way of blogging *s* Just get out there and enjoy - the blogging can take a back seat for sure!
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