Sunday, August 2, 2009

August is Quilting Time and an Invitation.....

I have been busy quilting this past week- I looked at the calendar and realized half my summer has passed and while I have enjoyed resting, relaxing and puttering along in July the time is ticking and I want to finish up some projects. I have been trying to get my quilting Mojo going by cleaning up the sewing room, fondling the stash fabric and arranging the projects that I have partially finished. Along the way I keep getting distracted by the blogs and whatever else that caught my interest.

However this week my blog friend, Kim has issued an August invitation to do a few things- The first thing that Kim encouraged others to do is to finish up some unfinished projects commonly known as UFO's. A second part is to get rid of some patterns or fabric that you are no longer using or see yourself using (KIm is hosting a giveaway of some patterns that she, herself is giving away to others- she has four combinations that you may choose from for a draw and the third is to work from your stash. You can sign up to join Kim's August invitation and she will add your name to her list on her side bar.

Well I didn't have to think very long before I decided that Kim had an inspired idea. Personally I am going to focus on using fabric from my stash and finish up as many as half a dozen projects that I have on the go right now. I have not yet decided about a giveaway. Right now I am focusing on completing my 6 projects using my stash. This is a pattern from Mary who has a set of instructions on her blog to make this Wonky RWB(she made her's red/white/blue)rails. I intend to enlarge the quilt in the photograph and make it into a kingsize quilt. I already have a large number of blocks made- it is a gift for some good friends so I best get moving on it.
Mary has a really lovely blog and a number of nice patterns that have excellent instructions - Do check out her blog.
Finally,here is a picture of the batik "Winding ways" or sometimes it is called "The Wheel of Mystery". I used the Marti Michell pattern for the design. I have the borders to put on it. I even have them chosen- sometimes just getting started is the hardest part once you get stalled out. These two projects were started last fall and I want them off my plate before school starts.

However, the very first project I must finish is the star quilt- I have it ready to quilt so that will be completed this week. There is also have a small star wall hanging that I want to complete for Bruce to take for a display in Cyprus Hills when he goes in the middle of August. So here is the base group of my August UFO's that I plan to complete - I have a couple of other quilts that I would like to finish too so at present there is my list of six projects.
Think I can do it? I hope so....

I have been reading lots of blogs from my blog list - The posts reflect the breadth of emotions of life. Some people have experienced the joy of a new home and new family members; while others struggle with grief and sorrow at the loss of dear friends and loved ones. Still others are dealing with complicated health issues- One hopes for those of you going through these challenges and sadness that life will bring some brightness to comfort and help you through those difficult times.

The weather continues to raise havoc in different parts of the country- On the weekend we had a terrible storm in a town about 50 miles from here called Camrose. There was a large Country Music Festival and the wind blew so hard that it caused the stage to collapse. One woman lost her life and many more were injured- such a terrible tragedy for everyone involved.

On the weekend I attended a quilt retreat. We made this pattern - it is an optical illusion quilt

illusion quilt

I really liked how my friend's quilts came out - the jury is out on mine - I haven't yet decided whether I was color blind when I chose the colors or that I just don't have a good feel for two color quilts. I haven't photographed it yet- scared what might happen to the camera LOL I have auditioned a few fabrics for the borders but the challenge is to find the balance between the strong center colors and the border...It may just end up being the ugliest quilt I have ever made...

What do you do when you are not sure whether the quilt works ?
Do you try to selvage it or give it up as a bad idea?

Decisions, decisions...

While my quilt remains a design question there is a giveaway at Marie Madeleine's studio for an absolutely scrumptious looking quilt do check it out.
You can find it here:

Grab Our Button!

And Elaine is having a stimulus giveaway- do go and check out her blog- you'll be glad you did!

Have a great week and Happy quilting-



Scrappy quilter said...

Sounds like you are going to be busy. As to what I do...I put it aside and come back to it later. Usually by then I can see that it works. And always I will selvage it...I just can't afford to give it up as a bad idea. There is always some way to make it work.

I love your quilts, they are great.

I heard about the storm. I also heard a 3 year old was killed in Calgary from falling debris from the same storm. Our weather sure has been crazy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like your Winding Ways quilt top. I have the templates but have not made that one yet - one day!

Gari in AL said...

I have made a couple of quilts that I just couldn't get into. Each time I have finished the quilt and found a time to give it to someone who "just loved" it. Funny how we all like different things. Love your quilt tops: get 'er done!

em's scrapbag said...

Good luck on your finishes. When I have a quilt that is not working for me it goes under the cutting table for a while. I bring it out later to see if a fresh look brings any new ideas.

Thimbleanna said...

Boy, now there's an idea! I really need to finish some UFOs and clean out the stash a little. If life would just slow down! Love your batik quilt. Good luck with your finishes!

heather said...

I think the quilts look great.

Joyce said...

I usually put a quilt that's not working aside for awhile and if it still doesn't work, off it goes to the thrift shop. Somebody might like it and finish it.

Sara said...

I need to finish up some UFOs and get some other things done...I have been slow this summer...

And, I need to QUIT buying fabric...and use my stash!!!!

I'm joining up with you...

Micki said...

Good luck on all of your projects. You will be a busy girl!

Andrea said...

Wow, that batik quilt is gorgeous. I love how when you look at it, it's almost an optical illusion, sometimes you focus on the circles, sometimes on the pinwheel shapes in different ways. Very nice!

hope you're having a great summer, it seems to be just zipping by. It feels like fall today *sigh*

hetty said...

Both of your quilts look marvelous. Good luck on getting them finished. I am working on finishing a few things in my workshop too. It feels so good when things get done!

Anonymous said...

I love the Marti Michell templates. I really like your rail fence wonky style. Very beautiful. I'm rolling in the floor over your ugliest quilt ever. I don't always trust cameras to show me how a quilt feels though. I guess that's why I ask my mom. I tend to give up on what is not working for me. Life is too short to feel stressed over something that I'm suppose to enjoy.

Rhubarb Whine said...

*Where* do you get the time!??? You amaze me!

Aunt Spicy said...

Wow! You have a lot going on, but it is all beautiful!

Maggi said...

Just catching up on my blog list and you have some lovely projects here. Perhaps with the ones you don't lie you could just hang them up and keep looking at them for a while until they tell you what you need to do that will make you happy with them.

QuiltSue said...

Your wonky railfences looks great, and the Wheel of Mystery...what can I say?

As for something that I think isn't working, I had that happen on one of my quilts, put it away for about 3 years, got it out again, fell in love with it, finished it, and it's now on our bed for the summer.

Cheryl said...

Wow..wonderful quilts and lots of inspiration on this post. I like the idea of a giveaway of patterns no longer needed. Now that's a great way to recycle. Happy day to you.

Quilthaze said...

Your quilts are just lovely. I especially like the Winding Ways as the colours are my favourites. It's a design I will have to try
for myself.
I'm also having a long summer break from work and like you have been distracted by all the great things in quilting blogs. I have had a clear out of some of my stash recently and I like the idea of having a give away.

Quilthaze said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Terrie Sandelin said...

Your winding ways quilt is so beautiful! I keep meaning to tackle this pattern but just haven't quilt gotten up the guts yet!

Eileen said...

You have some very good goals for the rest of the summer! I'm doing the same thing.. trying to finish things up and clean out.
Your two quilts you showed are beautiful!

Wanda said...

Yes, it's hard to believe that this year is more than half over. I haven't even begun to think of Christmas projects. Maybe I won't do anything this year. Kim's idea is really great. I didn't think I had a lot of UFOs but then I looked around....I've got one that I worked on for several years. It's so close to being done sad! The Wonky quilt is really nice..I love the colors and the pattern. As with the winding ways...they are very different but a delight for the eyes! Very curious to see your two color illusion quilt. The pattern takes some getting used to...of course, I think that may have something to do with the fact that it is a drawing and not something real! I would find it difficult to select two colors too I think. I have my favorite combinations but still... happy stitching to you too and "see" you next week!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Both of those quilts are beautiful and I hope they are almost finished now. I especially like the Winding Ways. I have never tried that one but with all of my curved piecing experience lateley I probably should try it.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Anna, your Winding Ways quilt is just gorgeous.

Deelee said...

Hi Anna! Thankyou for visiting my blog. It's always nice to visit new places in blogland. I enjoyed visiting your blog and I'll be back to see you again. I have lots to finish in August and it sounds like you do too!

Tanya said...

I love your Winding Ways! That is surely an advanced quilt if ever there was one! (Mine was so much smaller but still a challenge!) Just beautiful!

laura west kong said...

Both of those quilts are wonderful! I usually just put things away when they're really stuck, and when I come back to them months (or years) later I have figured out what to do.