These days we get the opportunity to go to an occasional game thanks to the generosity of others. Attending a game live is a different experience but our recent experience was indeed unique! In January we were offered an opportunity to go to see a game in March in Las Vegas!
First we had to get on a plane- something that I had not done for many many years for various reasons. After some thoughtful deliberation on my part, and, me actively seeking a passport, we found ourselves boarding an early morning plane to Las Vegas on March 16. This meant that we had to get to the airport by 5:30 am which meant leaving our house at 4:45 am! Here we are on board the airplane at 7:30 am. I am pretty sure that I am still half asleep!
We stayed in a very nice Hotel called the Aria Hotel and Resort Like all the big resorts on the Las Vegas strip,there is a huge casino on the main floor. It also had numerous restaurants and a high end shopping area called Crystals that included shops like Harry Winston, Gucci, Hermes etc
-Here is sunrise from the 22nd floor of our hotel room on Sunday Morning. The view was spectacular and we enjoyed seeing all the flashing billboards and lights on the Strip.The city is an amazing happening city with lots of things to see and do, if you have the time, money and energy.
One of my favorite things in life is to look at Art. The hotel and resort area has 20 different art installations . Bruce is sitting in one of the 3 chairs that were called a Turtle Dove chair ( though they reminded me of pigeons which made me think of a series of children's books by Mo Willems that include a story named " Don"t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus") It was a nice space in front of the hotel and a great place to people watch :)
T- Mobile Arena is a vibrant place- there were cheer leaders and show girls with feather head gear, lots of very loud music , noisy fans and lights displays throughout the evening .It happened to be St. Patrick's Day, as well, which added to the ambiance. Before the game, there was a big tailgate party in the area outside the arena. The crowd was large and filled with many hockey fans wearing their team jerseys and/or green or both!
While the Oilers lost, it was a never to be forgotten experience. Earlier in the day, our group went off to see the Welcome to Las Vegas sign - here we are standing proudly wearing our NHL Jerseys- The Oilers have had a mediocre season and are not likely to make the playoffs, but this year will be a special one for Bruce and I . It is not every year that you get to go to a different NHL city to see a game - what a fabulous opportunity it was, as a fan of the sport of hockey. I highly recommend the experience! For more complete analysis of the game, you can check out this link to Bruce's hockey post!
The Saturday that we arrived in Las Vegas it was also National Quilting Day! I wanted to post some photos of a quilt that I have been working on this fall and winter to honor my quilting passion. I have made a number of retirement quilts over the past years for friends . Our family has lived in our current house for over two years and it was time for me to make a quilt for our bed in this house.

The background fabric is all the same until the borders. I used all 6 yards of fabric in the background in the body of the quilt. I had to search my fabric stash for something that would work for the set in triangles without trying to compete with the zig zag strips. (The quilt is put together on point so you end up with zig zag edges.) I think I found a subtle batik that works well !
I chose a red stop border to float between the two border sections. Athena the cat obviously approves of the newest quilt. As always, she enjoys coming to check out my quilts - Isn't that what quilt cats do? Now I just need to find backing and get it spray basted so that I can quilt it!
I will close with one last photo of Las Vegas. There was an enormous Henry Moore stone sculpture that was in the courtyard area at the Hotel. It is a fabulous piece of art that represents a mother and child. It is really beautiful and so enormous.. I can not imagine how many hours it took him to carve this massive stone work!
What a great zig zag quilt! A great way to use up scraps and the dark background sets it up so nicely.
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