Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blogging Award


My friend Pam at Pam's Pages http://pamcave.blogspot.com/
sent me a very nice Blogging award that I am still learning how to link to my blog. I had the good fortune to meet Pam in Person last summer. We had a grand time checking out a couple of quilt stores in the city that I grew up in. My home town, Red Deer, is a city 100 miles south of where I live now. When I was growing up it was a town of 25,000 people- 30 years later it is a city of 85,000 people. Pam and I found some great deals in the quilt stores: we shared an enjoyable lunch together.
Meeting Pam was a wonderful experience, and I encourage anyone who gets the opportunity to meet another blogger to try it out.

I was a lurker or as I preferred to be known AFWAB( a friend without a blog-This is Kim's acronym) long before I was a blogger. I have enjoyed reading other people's blogs - there are so many talented quilters out there who are sharing their love of this artful craft.

Some people that I want to pass on this blog award to are:

Micki http://thedote.blogspot.com/ lives in Ireland and is passionate about quilting and embroidery. Check out her lovely blocks and bags.

Kim http://kimsbigquiltingadventure.blogspot.com/ lives in Northern California and is the person who coined the label AFAWB. She is a prolific quilter and has a wonderful blog that are truly full of her daily adventures.

Eileen http://myquiltingporch.blogspot.com/ is a lovely woman who takes care of her beloved husband and continues to hand quilt. I was very fortunate to win a piece of her hand quilting from a special giveaway. Thank you Eileen for your generosity and for sharing your love of quilting with us all.

Sharon http://redgeraniumcottage.typepad.com/my_weblog/ is a beautiful quilter that lives in Southern California- Her and her Sistas share their love of quilting with a zest that is easy to enjoy... They have many wonderful adventures too.

There are many many other blogs that I continue to read when I can- Do check out the blogs that are listed on the right side of my blog.. They have given me many hours of reading enjoyment. Some of them offer wonderful patterns and share their expertise as well as being terrific writers. I could have given this award to everyone of you.

Whatever reason that you blog- you have made my life richer by sharing your thoughts and extending your hand in friendship out here in blogland.

Happy quilting,

( I don't think I did this in the correct way but I finally managed to get the picture of the award on this posting :D)


meggie said...

Congratualtions Anna. Well deserved award. I will send you an email telling you how I add things, but I am sure you will get all the advice you need! Bloggers are wonderful friends, & only too happy to help with problems!

Wanda said...

I cried reading this post. You are so wonderful. A heart of gold.